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Postinor One is an emergency contraceptive pill containing 1.5mg of levonorgestrel, used to prevent unwanted pregnancy within 72 hours of unprotected sex or contraceptive failure. It is a single-dose tablet that works by preventing ovulation or fertilization of the egg.

Generic name: Levonorgestrel (oral) [lee-voh-nor-JES-trel]

Brand names: Postinor One, Plan B One-Step, Next Choice One Dose

Dosage form: Oral tablet (1.5 mg)

Drug class: Emergency Contraceptive

What is Postinor One?

Postinor One is an emergency contraceptive pill used to prevent pregnancy after unprotected sex or failure of other forms of birth control. It contains a high dose of the hormone levonorgestrel and should be taken as soon as possible after unprotected sex. Postinor One is not intended to be used as a regular form of birth control and does not protect against sexually transmitted infections.



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